KROHNE OPTISWITCH 3300 C Vibration Level Switch
Tuning fork level switch with tube extension for solids.

- Sensor length 1 to 20 feet
- Highly robust tuning fork
- For process temperatures up to 80 °C
- For process pressures up to 6 bar
- High abrasion resistance
- Insensitive to build-up
- Set-up without filling
- Detection of solids in water
- Detects bulk solids up to >0.008 g/cm³ (0.0003 lbs/in³)
- Maintenance-free
- Tuning fork suitable up to density < 20 g/l
- Product independent switch point
- Output: Relay, transistor, two-wire output, contactless electronic switch
- ATEX approvals available
The KROHNE OPTISWITCH 3300 C is a vibrating level switch with a tube extension for solids. It is designed for industrial use in all areas of process technology but preferably used for bulk solids. Due to the exact reproducibility of the switching point and the integrated function monitoring, the OPTISWITCH can be used as overfill protection, dry-run protection or pump protection. With a simple and robust measuring system, OPTISWITCH 3300 C is virtually unaffected by the chemical and physical properties of the bulk solid. Neither adhesions on the oscillating fork nor container vibrations have an impact on the measurement.
In industrial settings, heavy dust build-up and mechanical stresses are a challenge for any limit switch. This is not a problem for OPTISWITCH 3300 C: The rugged unit detects the limit in the silo independently of the properties of the bulk goods and reliably warns against overfilling. OPTISWITCH even masters tall, narrow silos due to the product-independent switching point. This is especially beneficial for rapid or recurring changes of bulk goods where the product properties can change from filling to filling. Even very light bulk goods (such as aerosil ®) can be reliably and safely detected using OPTISWITCH.
The KROHNE OPTISWITCH 3300 C is a versatile instrument that can be mounted in nearly any position and used in applications with process temperatures up to 250 °C (482 °F) and pressures of up to 16 bar (232 psi). A number of options are available for customizing the meter to the needs of the user including a version for solid detection in water. Because OPTISWITCH has practically no moving parts, it is not subject to wear.
Spec Sheets
- KROHNE OPTISWITCH 3300 C Vibration Level Switch with Contactless Switch Output Manual PDF (931 KB)
- KROHNE OPTISWITCH 3300 C Vibration Level Switch with Relay Output Manual PDF (974 KB)
- KROHNE OPTISWITCH 3300 C Vibration Level Switch with Transistor Output Manual PDF (865 KB)
- KROHNE OPTISWITCH 3300 C Vibration Level Switch with 2-Wire Output Manual PDF (971 KB)
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