Starting at $3,448.33



  • -4 to 302°F (-20 to 150°C) process temperature
  • -14.5 to 232 psi (-1 to 16 bar) process pressure
  • 20ft (6m) maximum measuring range
  • ±0.08in (±2mm) accuracy
  • International explosion protection certificates
  • 3-point and 5-point linearity protocol


The E+H Levelflex FMP53 guided wave radar level transmitter is designed for continuous level measurement for hygienically sensitive applications in the food and life sciences industries. The FMP53 meets the hygiene requirements according to ASME BPE and USP Class VI. The FMP53 features unique in-situ validation without dismantling from the process, and offers maximum reliability even in case of a turbulent liquid or foam surface, changing media or filling via spray head.

The Levelflex FMP53 offers HistoROM data management for fast and easy commissioning, maintenance and diagnostics, and Heartbeat technology for cost-effective and safe plant operation during the entire life cycle.

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Additional Part Numbers

These part numbers are available as old stock, but we have limited information about the configuration. Please call for more information.

Part Number Price Available
FMP53-AAACCDDBB5TDJMBNF 32.00inch Call for information 2 Call to order

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