

  • Inserts types include:
    • Insert A and insulating plug
    • Blank insert and insulating plug
    • Insert type B and insulating plug
    • Insert Type C and Insulating Plug
    • Validation Insert and Insulating Plug


Insert type details include:

  • Insert A and insulating plug, 1x9.5mm, 1x8mm, 2x6.4mm, 2x4.5mm x 157mm deep
  • Blank insert and insulating plug
  • Insert type B and insulating plug, 1x13mm, 1x10mm, 1x8mm, 1x5mm and 1.3.5mm x 157mm deep
  • Insert Type C and Insulating Plug, 1x8mm, 6x6.5mm x 157mm deep
  • Validation insert and insulating plug, 1x6.5mm, 20x3.5mm x 157mm deep