Jewell Instruments LCF-200 Series Accelerometer
Flexure suspension servo fluid damped accelerometer, ranging from ±0.5G, ±2.0, ±5G.

- Input ranges of: ±0.50g, ±2.0g, ±5.0g
- Filtering 5 to 100 Hz bandwidth
- Exceptional bias & scale factor
- Full Range Output (±0.5%) ±5.0V
- High level ±Vdc output
- 1,500g Shock Capability
- Operating temp: -40 to 176°F(-40 to 80°C)
- Epoxy seals
The Jewell Instruments LCF-200 Series Accelerometer is a ±0.5G to ±5G device designed for applications where high levels of shock and vibration are present. LCF units are characterized by excellent turn on repeatability and very low hysteresis. Linear accelerometers are solid-state, DC, closed-loop, force balanced acceleromters with accuracy, stability and reliability several orders of magnitude great than open-loop types.
These are pendulous devises unbalanced for linear acceleration. Linear acceleration applied and acting on unbalanced mass will develop a torque. By arranging the mass so that any resultant motion develops an electrical signal which is properly amplified and supplied to an electrical torque generator acting on the mass, equilibrium is produced between the two torquers.
Applications for the LCF-200 Series include:
- Geophysical testing
- Railcar acceleration control
- Platform orientation
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